NYC bustles more than ever during the holidays, and Broadway is one of the biggest beneficiaries of that visitor uptick. “Hamilton” on Broadway continues to be the hottest ticket in town, grossing close to
$365 billion in only three years.

The Room Where Dinner Happens…

With Thanksgiving upon us, and “Hamilton” brilliantly renewing our interest in U.S. history, don’t you wonder more than ever what delicacies our forefathers might have dined on this time of year?
There’s a good chance Alexander himself got to break bread with the Washingtons and sample some of Martha’s famous recipes after George appointed him the very first U.S. Secretary of the Treasury.


What Comes Next?

Thanksgiving fare of yore usually included colonial favorites like succotash and fish muddle. Undoubtedly a Washington feast also featured Martha’s beloved fruit cake, flavored perfectly with…wait for it…
“angelica” parsley (Don’t you love irony?)
If you’d like to be truly “satisfied” this holiday, grab some brandy and dried currants and whip up the version of this sweet historical treat.
Or peruse “Martha Washington’s Book Of Cookery” for other 18th century goodies
(available at various book retailers).

By LaJuan Carter

Other blogs by LaJuan